
Let us share our experience with you.

Our consultancy services.

Our team has extensive experience in the fields of Industrial Automation, IOT, IIOT hardware and software product design and manufacturing, process and control systems engineering and technology consultancy.

We can support, review and provide you with the technical expertise required to upgrade and enhance your existing or new automation systems to devise and develop an Industry 4.0 automation strategy.

Problem Solving

We can help you sort out problems

We analyse and evaluate your particular problem or requirements in any field of industrial automation. We have years of first-hand experience in assessing potential solutions and providing viable advice and recommendations on how to resolve the problem or fulfil the requirements in a feasible manner.

4th Industrial Revolution

Road Map

We create sophisticated road maps to embrace Industry 4.0

We are well aware of the fact that leveraging your technology to Industry 4.0 standards is not an easy task and the transition process may create high levels of complexity ending up in delayed, overbudget projects. In order to avoid such risks, it is crucial to have a thorough road map before you decide to adapt the principles of modern 4th Industrial revolution.

Our team, equipped with deep knowledge of Industry 4.0 principles and combining their on-hands experience, analyses and evaluates your shop floor comprehensively, including all operation processes and IT infrastructure. As an output of this detailed study, our team prepares a sophisticated plan to form a road map for adapting 4th Industrial Revolution standards.

This plan will help you avoid unnecessary costs, apply the most suitable and up-to-date technology, facilitate the correct hardware and software infrastructure to embrace Industry 4.0 with minimal friction.

R&D Partnership

We work as your partner in the field of Research and Development

Having vast experience in the field of Industrial Automation Systems, our team puts in their efforts to carry out research on specific requirements or problems, and accordingly develop innovative solutions.

The solution can consist of implementing custom software, designing an embedded industrial controlling or gateway device, developing a special industrial sensor, developing or implementing a web/cloud based platform, integration to existing or new cloud based environments, and so forth.

Our team collaborates with your team during the entire process and ensures the solutions seamlessly fit on to your or your clients’ existing technologies.