Manufacturing Plants

Let us help you to decrease your costs and increase production quality

Our solutions for manufacturing plants

Regardless of the sector the manufacturers cater to, the key problems are always centred around cost and quality. Finding the right solutions and moreover, implementing it, may become a challenging endeavour. You may even discover existing problems and bottlenecks in your production line that you were unaware of before.

IoT studio can help you to improve your production lines and processes, thus helps you decrease your costs and increase production quality, by providing the below services:

4th Industrial Revolution

Road Map

We prepare a “4IR Road Map” to start adding value to your business right away.

Analysis and Optimisation

We analyse and evaluate your plant and manufacturing process in depth and determine the points that require optimisation.

Devices, instruments and sensors

We provide you the technologies to be able to acquire real-time data from all control points, including machinery and production lines. Then we come up with optimisation solutions based on the collected real-world data instead of assumptions.

Customized hardware and software

Where and when necessary, using our design and production capabilities, we can design and provide custom hardware and/or software products.

Solution alternatives

We offer alternative solutions for each project within your 4IR Road Map. Based on your preference and the nature of the project, we can either oversee or realize its implementation.